The Buddha taught that mental suffering is a consequence of mental defilements (kilesas)

Faith in Buddhism
January 7, 2018
January 7, 2018

The Buddha taught that mental suffering is a consequence of mental defilements (kilesas)

The Buddha taught that mental suffering is a consequence of mental defilements (kilesas) , and that no defilement
ever goes away by itself, defilements can only be abandoned through practice of the Eightfold Path.

If That is true, then the sooner we start to practice Dhamma with sincerity and a sense of urgency, the better. Sooner or  later this
Work will have to be done. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow then the day after tomorrow. if not the day after tomorrow, then next week. If not next week, then next month. If not next month, then next year. if not next year, then in a later year. If not in  this Life, then in a future life.
As we have no guarantees as to our physical health, our access to teachings or even a human birth in the future,  it makes sense to apply ourselves while we are benefitting from supportive conditions.

Time is precious; use it Wisely.

Ajahn Jayasaro


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