Results of merit from the deeds we’ve sown

Religious people live four years longer than atheists, study finds
June 13, 2014

Results of merit from the deeds we’ve sown

If you believe in “karmic law” then you must believe in  the relationship between causes and effects – “causality”.

You may find that there are many differences in details between each human being in this world. For example, status at birth, wealth, position, feature, texture of the skin, quality of the voice, intellectual ability or how others feel towards the person.

These are all the results from “merit” or “karma” that one has done and are blended with each person’s DNA.  It is not by coincidence.

As a Vipassana meditation master, the karma found in most of my students,  is anger. The result of this karma is that they will encounter hardship(s) before success. They have to tolerate this inorder reach their goals,  because they have prevented someone from doing good deeds in past,  especially good deeds for Buddhism or  public benefit . This type of karma is considered a “heavy one”.

Although born from darkness, we do not need to walk on the dark path. We only need to realize that we cannot change the past.

However, we can make the present better even through there are hardships.  We can turn around the future destined to be impacted by old karma,

by doing new and powerful good deeds. Thus, do not be sad about the past – but focus on doing good deeds frequently.

In order to do powerful good deeds  in order to change our lives, we must learn how.

As humans, we are born with two hands. Though we are not all equal in terms of wealth, our physical abilities are not much different.

Therefore, use your physical ability to your  benefit and  the benefit of others.

The second point of the principle teaching is to cultivate all kinds of good deeds- that is to do good deed endlessly. Sacrifice without expecting anything in return. It is not about doing small “good deeds” like most people do.

For example, a person will do good deeds for 10% of their total lifetime, but spend the rest of time (90%) following will of impurities or Kilesas. Some do good deeds hoping for wealth. This, in turn will diminish the quality of their good deeds and their minds will not be filled with merit, because their minds are filled with greed.

Doing good deeds with a “true mind” must consist of both physical and mental sacrifice. 

Do not give someone else orders nor only send good wishes,  without actually physically involving in the good deed.

Do not attempt to a good deed without first consciously reducing your ego or pride.

If trying to do  good deeds without letting go of one’s ego, one cannot expect the deed to be powerful enough to turn around one’s life.

A person may have to live in darkness and sometimes in the light, alternatively. This is because true sacrifice  means, not only physical and monetary sacrifice, but also letting go of pride and ego in order to create a “perfect good deed”.

Master Acharavadee Wongsakon

Source: Master’s teaching “Results of merit from deeds we’ve sown” 11 December 2013

Translator: Wisuwat Sutthakorn

Doing good deeds with a true mind and sacrifice, both physically and mentally – will lead to perfect good deeds. However, some who do good deeds with  ego and let the impurities or Kilesas dominate their mind,  this will greatly diminish the quality of the good deed, making is less than perfect.

~Master Acharavadee Wongsakon



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